
Showing posts from May, 2024

Here's the essay ChatGPT wrote for the Pune youth who mowed down two techies with his Porsche while drunk

The  Juvenile Justice Board (JJB) went easy on the kid who killed two techies, granted him bail and simply asked him to write an essay . So, I asked ChatGpt to do  his homework with this prompt (sic!): "I accidentally killed 2 people with my expensive car. Write an essay on perils of drunk driving" The response came back in a few seconds. Case Closed? (sic!) Drunk driving remains one of the most severe threats to public safety on our roads today. Despite extensive public awareness campaigns, strict legal penalties, and ongoing efforts by law enforcement agencies, the problem persists, often with tragic consequences. The case of accidentally killing two individuals while driving under the influence underscores the profound and irreversible impact that such negligence can have on multiple lives. This essay explores the perils of drunk driving, examining its causes, effects, and the critical need for more effective prevention measures. Causes of Drunk Driving Several factors co

Indian techies are fascinated by the Rs 1-Crore package. Look beyond debate - Why & Who draws 1Cr?

The IT sector in India has been a cornerstone of the country's economic growth, with major hubs like Bengaluru, Hyderabad, and Pune housing numerous multinational corporations and innovative start-ups. Professionals in these regions benefit from a dynamic ecosystem that fosters talent and provides ample opportunities for career advancement. Companies like Infosys, Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), Wipro, and newer tech giants like Flipkart and Paytm are known for offering lucrative packages to retain top talent. Indian Techies are generally well compensated, yet the topic of salaries are front and center in most conversations. By all means 20-30-40 lakhs is still a huge amount in a country where a percentage of population is below poverty line. Yet there are days when lurking in tech forums, I come across boasts or humble-brags about "1 crore" packages that generate animate discussions.  Typically, these high earners with packages of 10 million rupees are seasoned profes

A unique book giveaway - Sharing the joy of reading, giving away one book a day for a month

In a world often dominated by screens and digital content, the tangible pleasure of holding a book in hand remains unmatched. Book giveaways, a simple yet profound act, serve as a beacon of light in promoting literacy, fostering community, and spreading the love of reading. Thinking along these lines prompted Vijay, a teen Biblophile from Bengaluru to announce a month long book giveaway for students and young readers in India.  Vijay has enjoyed reading and reviewing books for as long as he can remember. During the pandemic and lockdowns, he decided to take his love for printed books online by sharing book reviews on his niche YouTube Book Review channel that has over 690 subscribers.  During the 30-day Book Giveaway in May, Vijay is offering to buy books worth Rs 500 for deserving students and readers every day. Announcing the giveaway, Vijay says  "I want to share the joy of reading this summer and I am planning a giveaway using award money won from different competitions.&quo

Book-Giveaway - Giving Away Books worth Rs 500 to deserving students and readers in India

I am planning a book-giveaway for 30 days and I need your help in selecting the most deserving students and readers. This giveaway is intended to encourage children and readers who cannot afford books and textbooks. More details in the Youtube/@Vijay_Book_Reviews Why the Giveaway: I am a 15-year-old biblophile and have been reviewing books for nearly 2 years. I want to share the joy of reading this summer and I am planning a giveaway using award money won from different competitions. Entries* open on google form including Terms and Conditions   *Entries open from 1-30 May 2024 Announcing Winners of the Giveaway Day 1 Winner (May 1st) - Harman, Yamuna Nagar     • 30-day Book Giveaway of Rs 500 worth ...   Reason " As I am in Class 12 and I'm preparing for JEE, so, this giveaway will help me to get books which are required to boost my preparation :)" Day 2 winner 🥇Abdul Ahad Laique, Lucknow - 30-day Book Giveaway of Rs 500 worth of books/day Reason: "I may not deserv