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Staying safe while studying abroad

The pursuit of higher education beyond one's home country offers a myriad of opportunities for personal and academic growth. By some accounts, over 500,000 Indian Students study in Universities across America. Amidst the excitement of studying abroad, it is essential for students to prioritize their safety and well-being. "Staying safe while studying abroad" is a critical aspect of the international student experience that requires proactive measures, cultural awareness, and a commitment to personal security. Mohan Krishnamoorthy , a Tech Executive who has lived and worked in a dozen countries across three continents and has done an MBA in the US shares his opinion on the recent incidents of death of Indian student abroad  Know your surroundings and neighborhood – talk to locals for tips  Share your tips and experiences with fellow students   Do not be desperate for that extra dollar  If you really must work outside campus, take safety precautions  Mental health is a